
This turn STILL needs work!

We returned to the meadow off of Upper Canyon Rd. one more time to finish the re-route above the “green gate” and to celebrate a wonderful project and a wonderful year of volunteer work.  Fourteen volunteers made it to the event, we were able to shore up a few turns and straight sections on the acequia bank and make some final touches to complete the big job.

It is a more accessible, interesting, and attractive route than the old climb up the power easement, and we have already received quite a bit of positive feedback on the improvement!  Big thanks go to the volunteers, The Nature Conservancy, and the Acequia del Llano Association for making this significant trail construction job work smoothly.


The old “rockpile” ain’t what it used to be.


Mike EauClaire puts finishing touches on the lead-up to the arroyo crossing above the acequia.








After a grand opening ceremony, City Trail Volunteer Coordinator Tim Rogers recognized the contributions of all of our volunteers in 2014, and presented trophies of special recognition to some of the highest-hour contributors.  Particular honors went to Stephen Washburn, who logged the most days of any volunteer on city trails in 2014 (nearly 20), and earned an unidentified piece of refuse from La Tierra Trails that we suspect is part of a rocket.

The top four contributors’ list was rounded out by David Wilson (broken bike shifter found on trail), Manny Maes (rusted Borden’s Condensed Milk can) and Margaret Alaexander (another rocket-stage-like-thing) while Bret Luboyeski was honored as “rookie of the year” and Anna Hargreaves was recognized as official “ringer” and rock pile maven.  Not present was “International Volunteer of the Year” Juan Alonzo, who is back in Spain now.  All present also received SFCT baseball caps before feasting on sparkling juice and fresh fruit supplied by SFCT and cheese and crackers provided by Rookie-of-the-Year contender (and member of the local Alsatian-American Hall of Fame), Kim Henning.  (Also see: Trail Volunteer Recognition, 2014)


Henry Lanman takes it to another level (again).


Final touches: Signage directing users away from the old double-track gully route.



All-Star cast for the ribbon-cutting